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explore & discover

a better version of yourself


Our Services

The Silent Message is a boutique training firm that specialises in workforce development. Our Company Dossier revolves around three distinct domains of Learning:

1 connect | Advisory Studio

2 create | Content Design Studio

3 convey | Learning Programmes Hub


The Silent Messageconnect

The Advisory Studio

reach us @connect

Our L&D Advisory Studio is an exclusive space of professional confidentiality for Human Resources, Learning Managers and Organisational Development professionals.

They seek advice on employee talent improvement, to help them build a case for continuous learning.

In our experience, these discussions are favourable ‘square ones’ before HR draws up its design grid.


The Silent Messagecreate

The Content Design Studio

reach us @create

We formulate customised courseware to accelerate innovative learning environments for Training | Facilitation | Mentoring

Our design thinking is known to create and build strong bonds with the five elements:

Earth (stability) | Water (fluidity) | Fire (confidence) | Air (passion) | Space (awareness)


The Silent Messageconvey

The Learning Programmes Hub

reach us @convey

Our custom-built curated workshops have facilitated learning for 170+ clients, across a variety of industries.

Mandates: Presentation Skills | Interpersonal Communication | Leadership Mentoring | Managing People | Living Values | Communication Skills | Work Readiness Graduate Programmes | Team Effectiveness | Succession Readiness.

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Our Ambassadors
170+ clients across diverse industry segments

About Us

Our Company

Since 1991, The Silent Message has been building an enterprising workforce that is stronger and more competent for its present and the future.

We facilitate accelerated skills development with our well-curated workshops. Effective engagement, meaningful interactions and efficient communication, are the cornerstones of our business.

Companies collaborate with us for our balanced macro-micro approach, and how we build a bond of trust and confidence with our participants.

The modular and ‘practise-friendly’ insights that we provide, have supported learning across different verticals, roles and functions; and levels.

Our Purpose

To equip professionals to discover better versions of themselves.

We believe each one has the capability to transform, how they

  • connect with their audience
  • create relevant conversations
  • convey their message effectively

Transformation is possible when there is a mindset shift, along with a belief that she/he must change one’s approach for the better.

‘Nayee Disha’, a philosophy, is a poem that highlights the critical need for that growth mindset; if one has to survive, succeed and thrive.

We welcome you to download the Poem and share it with your friends.


Our core values ensure that our,
actions must be defined by how we think: Logos
conduct must be reflective of how we feel: Pathos
credibility must be depicted by what we believe: Ethos

Design thinking, for us, germinates from the learning needs of individuals, their teams and their organizations, along with business contexts.

Workforce preparedness to face multi-fold challenges today and in the future, is the starting point for us. With towering demands of business, it is critical that professionals and their employers recognise the need for growth in mindset, thoughts and actions.

We anticipate future needs to boost our participants' learning trajectory. The 'flexi-on-the-go' elasticity of our design format enables us to make real-time editions and easy adaptations.

In our reality, even marginal needle shifts make an exponential impact on a person’s learning and development journey.


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TheSilentMessage (TSM)
connect. create. convey

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Mental Blocks can be good Building Blocks!

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Nayee Disha
The Silent Message

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